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The "PREPARE" Series of programs are aimed at strengthening your weakest links until you have none. When you leave no stone unturned in your training and even your weakest link is strong, you can walk every day with confidence knowing that you are prepared for any old thing life could throw at you.

Based on what I learned in chiropractic school and post-doctorate coursework in sports care, I created rehab protocols for various injuries that I commonly saw in practice. Then I upgraded and fine-tuned these protocols through my first few years of clinical experience working with real patients who had these problems. Now I offer a simple solution for anybody to help themselves not only manage their pain but also strengthen their weak links and prepare their bodies for whatever life throws at them. -RB

Our FREE programs are designed as "one size fits most." The large majority of people should find our training programs helpful by themselves, however, please cease aggravating activities and contact us if you have any concerns about your ability to perform tasks in a program, or if you are dealing with pain or injury. One of our doctors will be happy to help get you out of pain and back to normal or better. Most people will achieve best results by working under the guidance of one of our fitness professionals in a custom program.

More information coming soon...