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Bronson Clinic's FREE "Neck Prep" Program

The best exercise is the one that gets done, and compliance in an exercise program dictates success or failure. That is why I've made this one as simple and efficient as possible.

As with all my programs, I strive to give you nothing but the best advice. To say that this free program will work for 100% of people would be a lie. Most people would benefit greatly from proper coaching through a program including guidance, accountability, assurance, motivation, and modification when needed - a paid service which I offer. However, carefully following this free program on your own should be beneficial for the large majority of people. If pain worsens or develops during any part of this program, and reducing the intensity of the exercise doesn't help, then reach out so we can figure out what the problem is and fix it.

Gentle Neck Stretches

Sagittal Figure 8 Mobilization

Self-resisted Neck Isometric Strengthening

Gravity-resisted Neck Strengthening

Shrug (equipment permitting)

Overhead Press (equipment permitting)