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Bronson Clinic's FREE "Low Back Prep" Program

PHASE I: EXPLORING MOVEMENT - Exploring ranges of motion that have been unkept or perhaps were never before discovered. Restoration of restricted motion is imperative to success in this program because it allows us to get into better positions. Try to push to your end-range of motion without forcing too hard. If you do your best and still don't feel a stretch, then don't worry about that one and move on.

Cat / Cow (Spine Flexion & Extension)

Thread The Needle (Spine Rotation)

Feet On The Wall Drill (Hip Extension)

Tall Kneeling Reach Over (Hip Flexion)

Reverse Hyperextension (extra credit to strengthen posterior chain)

Leg Raises (extra credit to strengthen anterior chain)

PHASE II: ANTI-MOVEMENT - Learning to resist external forces. Resisting external forces is a crucial part of core stability training. The other major part is learning to control external forces through motion which is covered in the final phase.

Beast Crawl Variations (anti-rotation, anti-extension)

Dynamic Side Plank (anti-lateral flexion, anti-rotation)

Superman Holds (anti-flexion)

PHASE III: STABLE MOBILITY - Learning to control external forces. Build confidence in all positions by strengthening full ranges of motion in a controlled environment. Practicing these things in a controlled environment means that when in an environment that you can't control, you'll be more prepared to handle the task without getting hurt.

Jefferson Curl (dynamic spine, sagittal plane)

RDL (static spine, rear sagittal plane)

Side Bend (dynamic spine, coronal plane)

Suitcase Deadlift (static spine, coronal plane)

Dragon Flag (If it's good enough for Bruce Lee, then it's good enough for me.)

Roman Chair Sit-Ups